What is the NDIS?

What is the NDIS?

What is the NDIS The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian government initiative designed to provide support and assistance to individuals with disabilities. The NDIS works to empower people with disabilities by giving them greater choice and...

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The best support workers are made of this…

The best support workers are made of this…

The Caring Ones worker possesses several key qualities that contribute to their effectiveness and impact on their participants and clients. These qualities include: Empathy: Demonstrating genuine empathy and understanding towards the needs, challenges, and emotions of...

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Why a smaller provider is better for the NDIS participant.

Why a smaller provider is better for the NDIS participant.

Opting for a smaller registered provider has several advantages for NDIS participants. Here are a few reasons why some participants may prefer smaller registered providers: Personalized and individualized support: Smaller registered providers often have a lower...

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Accessing NDIS with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Accessing NDIS with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Are you caring for someone with Autism Spectrum Disorder? Are you looking for day support, information on beneficial Commonwealth programs, or simply seeking a way to get your loved one more involved in the local community? With 29%* of NDIS participants on an...

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A Beginner’s Guide to Accessing the NDIS

A Beginner’s Guide to Accessing the NDIS

When you have other things on your mind, getting started with the National Disability Insurance Scheme can feel overwhelming.  Below is a breakdown of the application process for accessing NDIS, starting with how to find out whether you meet the access requirements. ...

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5 Ways Care Service Providers Can Help You

5 Ways Care Service Providers Can Help You

Gone are the days when people in need of long-term care and their families are left behind the rest of society. Thanks to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), significant changes have been made to the way disability services are funded and delivered.  With...

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The Caring Ones-Disability Services Sunshine Coast

Contact us today for Disability Services Sunshine Coast, in home support, community access, group activities, respite and short term accommodation on the Sunshine Coast